Watford MP Dean Russell visited Bushey and Oxhey Infant School, where he held an assembly and took questions from the students.
Dean spoke to pupils about his role as an MP, what made him want to get into politics and the importance of representation and democracy. The Pupils got to ask Dean questions about what an MP does, where he grew up, and his plans for Watford in the future.
Bushey and Oxhey Infant School focus on inclusivity, ensuring that all students, regardless of their specific needs, make the bets possible progress in school. Dean got to speak to some teachers that specialise in SEND, who work closely with each of the class teachers and help identify needs, organise provision and liaise with external professionals in order to meet the needs of their pupils.
Dean Russell said “Speaking to young people about politics and democracy is one of my favourite things about being an MP. I would like to thank the staff at Bushey & Oxhey Infant School for having me, and would like to thank all of the pupils for being so engaged and for asking such a variety of questions about working in Parliament and life as an MP.”