This week is Children's Mental Health Week.
It’s so important to talk about mental health and well-being and to seek advice if you need it.
As parents and carers, we play an important role in teaching children and young people how to understand and manage their feelings as they grow up. However, this can be a challenging task when we may struggle to understand our own mental wellbeing needs, which is why I have been advocating for mental health in the workplace for a number of years.
I recently introduced my Bill on Mental Health First Aiders: shorturl.at/oLRS2
There are lots of brilliant organisations and resources to support you and your child if you need support or advice. I have met some great organisations in Watford who are happy to help in any way they can. Please find below a compiled list with links.
If you find them useful, please share them with friends or family who may benefit too.
Remember it is not a weakness to ask for help, but a strength.
I’m worried about my child or young person
• If their life is in immediate danger, call 999.
• If not, reach out to one of the following organisations to seek advice for getting urgent help, or talk to someone who can help you understand what they might be going through and refer you to support in your area.
This could be:
• Your doctor
• The Place2Be staff member at their school OR a similar support service if the school doesn’t have Place2Be
• The Young Minds Parents Helpline, which you can call for free on 0808 802 5544 (9.30am-4pm, Monday-Friday, UK).
• MINDEd for families – an online e-poral offering free advice about children and young people's mental health for all adults -https://mindedforfamilies.org.uk/young-people
What can I do at home?
• Find time to talk, just the two of you – ‘Check in’ with them while you’re doing things together, so they get used to talking about their feelings.
• Play together – Play helps them to be curious, learn new things, solve problems and express feelings without words.
• Be a role-model – Show how you cope with difficult feelings and look after yourself.
Support services
Shout (in partnership with Place2Be)
Text CONNECT to 85258
For: anyone in the UK
More info: giveusashout.org / www.place2be.org.uk/
Call 0800 1111
For: children and young people in the UK
More info: www.childline.org.uk/
Call 116 123
For: adults in the UK
More info: www.samaritans.org
Call 020 3727 3600
More info: www.hertsmindnetwork.org
NHS Services
Call 0800 644 4101 - NHS urgent mental health helpline
More info: www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/mental-health-services
Support for under-18s
If you’re worried about something, talk to an adult that you trust as soon as possible. This could be:
• Someone in your family, like a parent or carer
• Someone at school, like a teacher or Place2Be (if you have it in your school)
• Your doctor
If you are not sure who to talk to:
Call Childline on 0800 1111 or
Text CONNECT to 85258 to contact Shout (in partnership with Place2Be).
Talk or text for free any time, wherever you are in the UK.