July 2022
Next Friday will see the second reading of my Tips Bill in the House of Commons, and I hope to see colleagues from all parties back my Bill to ensure a fair deal for those working in the hospitality sector.
As previously covered in this paper, the aim of my Bill is to ensure that employees can retain all tips that they receive from customers. Whilst most companies already offer staff a fair deal, some employers have retained the right to keep these tips, and I do not think that this is right.
The Bill will ensure staff get 100% of their tips and stop unscrupulous businesses keeping some, or sometimes all, of the tips meant for staff.
Tips should never be used as an excuse not to pay staff a decent wage, but with challenges around the cost of living, tips can be important for hospitality staff, making it even more essential that businesses are banned from withholding tips.
Watford has many people working in cafes, bars and restaurants who will benefit from this Bill, my new law will benefit hospitality workers across the U.K so I really hope all of my colleagues in the Commons back my Bill.
I am grateful to the many local businesses, workers and those who used to work in hospitality for contacted me to confirm their support. Please show your support by using the hashtag #TipsBill on social media and signing my online petition here: www.deanrussell.co.uk/tipsbill